
Next Kyoto Uke Club/Singing Around the Table: Saturday August 27th

次回は8月27日(土)で す!!!!!
Thank you again to everyone who came along last time (July 23rd). A great evening! 
Ukesicle by Buz Carter
The next one will be Saturday August 27th - THIS COMING SATURDAY - at Gnome 6-10pm (6-7 warm-up, hang out; playing from 7pm). All welcome!
John would like to introduce two songs: “Love Me Do” (p.154) and “Ob-La-Di” (pp.174-175).  
If you have the “Daily Ukulele” book, please have a look at those songs in it. 
[My copy is at the office, but I will get the music to you later.] 
If you would like to introduce another song(s) please bring 15-20 copies.
Hope to see you there!
Felicity, Mark, Hiroko and all at Kyoto Singing Around the Table & Ukulele Club, and Kansai Shanty Crew. 

That was...Hot off the press! (Ha ha - 37 degrees in Kyoto today!) I hope these pictures make you feel cooler...

Ice Cream Ukulele from Ukulele Workshop