
Singing Around the Table 歌声 Spring/Summer 2013

The next Singing Around the Table will be March 30 Saturday! at Gnome 8-10pm
次は3月30日 土 になります!

Here are the current dates for forthcoming Singing Around the Tables. 
Please check here nearer the time to confirm there have been no changes.

April 27th Saturday 2013年4月27日 土
June 1st Saturday 2013年6月1日 土  Cancelled, sorry
June 29th Saturday 2013年6月29日 土
July 27th Saturday 2013年7月27日 土
August - holiday. Back in September!


'The Kansai Craic Scene' by JJ O'Donoghue

Kansai Irish dancer JJ O'Donoghue has written a snapshot of Irish music in Kansai area for Kansai Scene magazine, March 2013 issue. Full article 'The Kansai Craic Scene' here.